By: George Hayes


George & Sarah

TUESDAY TRIVIA  Q:”Canadians say that this activity is #1 for making them feel like a kid again.”

Please text your guess to the A1 Security Textline (519) 464-1999. We will announce and post the answer just before 9am.


CHLOE: “Blowing bubbles”

LISA: “Tobogganing”

JENNY: “Swinging in a swing.”

CHRISTINE: “Skating on a pond?”

ANONYMOUS: “Playing on the swings”

ANONYMOUS: “Blowing bubbles”

ANONYMOUS: “Colouring”

SHERRY: “A certain smell from your childhood”

RAVENA: “Watch cartoons!”

JANET HARDY: “Seeing Santa at a parade”

MARK THE SHARK: “Have the grandkids pull your finger”

DARLENE: “Crokinole”

ANSWER : GOING FISHING makes us feel liek a kid again.


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