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The View From Here – I Am The Worst Sick Person

By: Carrie Buchanan


I know guys get a bad wrap for being babies when they are sick.  I tend to disagree.  My husband will never cave to illness or injury.  He’s unstoppable. Indestructable.

I on the other hand have no problem caving, wallowing and letting everyone around me I’m down for the count.  The seasonal cold has hit our home.  Even our dog has an ear infection. (smile)

Others in the house may go about their business.  I will lay on the couch, comfy clothes and warm blankets.  A tissue box close by.  Some sort of beverage.  Cough drops.  And the remote control.   And I will do nothing else.   I’ve learned over the years that it really is the best medicine to just rest.  IF you can, I guess.  Different story now that my kids are older and can do things for themselves.

I took a sick day on Friday and used it to catch up on Virgin River.  I caught up on the last of Season 4 and binge watched the entire 5th season in a few days.  It was great.

But it’s also messing with me a bit.  I mean, that’s a lot of hours spent on one show.  I almost feel like I’m part of the cast and crew.  I feel like I just got back from Virgin River.  Why is so hard to say no to one more episode?  Why do we feel compelled to keep watching?  (smile).   

Remember the olden days?  As my kids would say.  You had a sick day, or a day home from school, and you had the old standbys.  We also had gingerale and soda crackers.  Maybe some chicken noodle soup.  Vicks vapour rub.  And the Price is Right was always on the tv followed by the cheesiest daytime shows in the afternoon which is usually when we took our nap!  lol

Do you have trouble resting and taking it easy when you’re sick?  Are you the type to work through anything, no matter what?   How do you take care of yourself when you’re not feeling well?

And for the record – Season Five of Virgin River.  OMG.  That ending.

If you want to speculate and figure out the “WHO” in the cliffhanger question — feel free to email me – [email protected]

or text me using the A1 Security Textline – 519-464-1999.



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