The View From Here – I’m Such A Dork
I admit it. I’m a bit of a dork. And that’s alright with me. I always have been. I expect that will never change. Even when I hit 50. Gasp.
I am days away from my 50th birthday, feeling excited and a bit in awe. Doing lots of reflecting. Feeling a bit “old”.
Remember when we were kids and we thought our parents were OLD? Remember when we thought our teachers were OLD? Now WE are the old folks. (smile)
I know age is just a number. It’s how you feel that counts. Feeling oh so thankful. For so many things. I kinda love that my birthday almost ALWAYS falls on Thanksgiving weekend. I’m always reminded of just how grateful I am for so many things. I am thankful for the people in my life, my job, my home and asking for prayers in advance for what we have to go through in a few months when we rip out our kitchen and live through a renovation. (smile) I’ve met some really cool people and done some really cool things in my life. I’ve survived a lot, overcome a lot, and worked through some stuff.
I’m thinking of my mom a LOT as I get closer to this milestone. I miss her. So much. I always think of my mom on my birthday. She always made birthdays special, and to be real, I wouldn’t be here without her.
I miss what would have been. Like the conversations we could have had about getting old. (smile). I feel like I missed a lot of big stuff. Maybe she could have shed some light on the changes happening right now. (smile) Hot flashes? Please. Explain why this is a thing.
I feel like something big is coming. Like this is the end of an era and the beginning of something new and exciting.
It’s going to start with something I used to dream of doing. I thought about doing it. I just never had the courage to actually DO the thing.
But when I talk to you again on Monday I’ll get to share my latest attempt to fight the dork image. Ha ha ha. Kidding. Kinda.
50 feels like a transition. Like, ok, what happened in the first 49 years and what can I do NOW? How can I get better? What can I learn? How can I grow? What can I do that I haven’t done and still want to in the next 50? How do I get out of burpees and cardio to keep that “healthy” attitude going? (smile)
I’m curious as to what the future holds. Time flies a lot faster the older you get. Now there’s a greater appreciation for every day. A realization that once today is gone, there is no getting it back.
Life is way to short to wait for tomorrow, or to put things off.
So let’s get ready for 50.
Any advice appreciated.