Get Signed Up For My CNN
This week, when the sirens sounded, many people asked the question “what is going on?” According to the CAER website, when sirens sound you are to shelter in place. How many of us know that? Or forget? Or just panic and don’t know what to do?
What is “Shelter-in-Place”?
In the event of a chemical release, safety sirens in Sarnia’s industrial corridor will sound to alert the public. If you hear the sirens, or are told to Shelter-in-Place, emergency officials recommend that you Shelter, Shut and Listen:
- Stay inside
- Close all windows and secure doors (locking provides a tighter seal).
- Turn off all ventilation systems such as heating or air conditioning.
- If there are gaps in windows or doors, seal with tape or damp towels.
- Have an battery operated radio for emergencies and tune to local radio stations for more information
How do you know when to Shelter-in-Place?
Sarnia has a Community Warning System in place that uses several tools to alert the public. If there is a chemical release with the potential to impact the community, the outdoor Safety Sirens located in the vicinity of the emergency will be sounded. The sirens will sound for about 3 minutes, and will be re-sounded periodically during the emergency. The sirens are tested on Mondays at 12:30 p.m. Safety sirens are located in the downriver industrial corridor and in the City of Sarnia.
With the incident this week, Sarnia Police Services are reminding us that its up to us to get signed up for the community alerts. My Community Notification Network is a system that will alert you of emergencies and other important community news by signing up for the Emergency and Community Alert Program – My Community Notification Network (My CNN). You can receive messages by home phone, mobile phone, Voice over IP landlines, e-mail and/or text messaging. You can also choose the order in which you receive the notification.
The system is there to allow the City to easily and quickly, communicate with residents when a situation comes up.
But – this system only works with YOUR participation. You have to sign up for it.
SIGNUP today.