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Feel Good Friday – Tackling That To Do List

By: Carrie Buchanan


Carrie Buchanan

Every Friday we team up with the Canadian Mental Health Association Lambton Kent and share different things you can do to take care of yourself and focus on your mental health.

Today it’s all about controlling that never ending list of things to do.

If you ever feel overwhelmed by the long lists of things to get done over the weekend, first of all, you aren’t alone.   When you’re feeling that overwhelm, take a breath, and try ranking each task as either a ‘want-to’ or ‘have-to.

If you find there are many more ‘have-to’ tasks, jot down a small list of ‘want-to’ tasks to create a healthy balance of each.

By balancing ‘want to’ versus ‘have-to’ tasks each day, we increase the chance of maintaining self-control and focus. Improved daily self-control increases feelings of success and decreases the chance of burnout.

If you are noticing that your symptoms of anxiety are causing you significant distress or are interfering with your ability to function normally, consider participating in CMHA’s BounceBack program by visiting bouncebackontario.ca

We are in this together and help is always available. If you are feeling alone and struggling with your mental health, you can always reach out CMHA Lambton Kent’s 24/7 Mental Health First Response Team:

– Chatham: 1-866-299-7447

– Sarnia: 1-800-307-4319”

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