Kick That Cold To The Curb!

By: Eve Morgan


Eve Morgan

Cold remedies that work? 

Stay hydrated & Rest.

Soothe that sore throat with saltwater gargle  or lozenges…

Combat stuffiness with saline nasal drops and sprays to relieve stuffiness and congestion….ask the pharmacist to pint you in the right direction.

Relieve pain with Tylenol or some Advil.

Sip warm liquids like honey & lemon tea. MMMMM

Add some moisture to the air with a cool mist vaporizer or humidifier.

For adults and children older than 5, try over-the-counter  cold and cough medications.

Cold remedies that don’t work

The list of cold remedies that don’t work is grocery list-long. Like:

Antibiotics….Antibiotics kill bacteria, but they’re don’t help with cold viruses. And Over-the-counter cold and cough medications for young kids isn’t recommended…their little livers and bodies  can’t handle that kind of med-infusion. 

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