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Your Horoscope For June And July

By: Carrie Buchanan


Big changes ahead this month according to this article from People. 

This week,  will be a crucial period to focus on how you can patiently, methodically and practically build your personal and professional goals for the long term.  We may feel frustration, wanting the process to happen faster, but if we focus on moving forward, even if it’s slower than we want, everything we manifest will be built on a solid foundation.

We are warned that June 9, 11 and 12th could be challenging.

I used to love reading my daily horoscope.  In high school I made them up.  I wrote our school “Horrorscopes” and that was fun.  Holding others futures in the palm of your hand. Or pen and paper (smile)

I came across this and thought it was interesting – so I’m sharing with you .

Do you believe in astrology?  Do you believe in horoscopes?  Looking at this – do you feel this applies to you and your life?


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