Billy Joel Releases New Music

By: Carrie Buchanan


It’s been 17 years since we’ve heard anything from the legendary Billy Joel.  At 74, he’s just released a brand new single “Turn The Lights Back On”.  He will debut the song live at the Grammys on Sunday night and spend the rest of the year headlining baseball stadiums across the country.  Stevie Nicks, Sting and Rod Stewart will be part of those shows.

His last album was 1993’s River of Dreams, but in 2019, he did tell Rolling Stone magazine that he has a lot of music left in him.

“I have a lot of music that no one’s ever heard and no one may ever hear if I don’t decide to do something with it,” “It’s really about the creative process that’s important to me, not about having records on the charts or selling a lot of recordings. I’m learning all the time, and you never stop learning. That’s what’s good about the writing process. You always learn something new whenever you create.”

We would love to know what YOU think of the song.  Text us – 519-464-1999 or send an email to [email protected]

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