Woman’s hand placing the needle on a record.

Rolling Stone Names 500 Greatest Albums Of All Time – Are Yours On The List?

By: Carrie Buchanan


It’s a hard question to answer “What’s your favourite album of all time?”

How do you choose?  So many come to mind for different reasons.  I think of the first album I ever bought.  I think of soundtrack albums because the movie was so good (hello Mama Mia, Moulin Rouge, The Greatest Showman, Grease).  I love the Beatles collection I have but not sure GREATEST and FAVOURITES should be in the same category.

What makes an album GREAT to you?  I have my favourites where I know the words to every song.

Take a look at this list and compare YOUR favourites to this list.  It takes a while to work your way through it.  I know for me, there are a number of albums I had completely forgotten about.  Some, like Harry Styles and Sinead O’Connor surprised me for how long on the list they were.  Lots of Beatles albums in the mix.  Not a single Duran Duran album.  Um, excuse me Rolling Stone, I think you’re mistaken.  Seven and the Ragged Tiger and Rio should most definitely be on that list.  It’s like you don’t even know music.  (smile) I kid.

Madonna is there, Prince, Adele, and a whole lot of albums I’ve never heard of or listened to.  I was pretty excited to see The Ramones and The Cure higher up on the list.

Rolling Stone – 500 Greatest Albums Of All Time

I would love to know what YOUR favourite album is of all time – and did it make this list?  What surprised you if any?

And for those that love their music – Record Store Day is coming up in Canada in April.  A day set aside to celebrate music, and get your hands on some really cool rare items.  I know this year they are offering a special George Michael collection that I would love to have.


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