On Today’s Show

By: Carrie Buchanan


Parents – I’m checking on you.  I want to know how you are doing right now.  How are you handling back to school?  Great to get the kids back in the classroom, but adjusting to routine can be challenging for sure!  Especially if your kids are younger.  How are you managing?  And if you’re celebrating, or struggling – you will get a kick out of this compilation of Funny Tweets About Kids Being Back.

I have to ask you if you have watched the new series on Netflix – “You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment”.  Lots of people talking about it and a lot of people UP-SET about it.  Upsetti Spaghetti – my daughter would say. (smile)  It’s got some people thinking about their S.A.D (Standard American Diet) diets, and thinking of giving up meat and going vegan, and others getting upset that a vegan lifestyle is being pushed so hard that some are threatening to cancel their Netflix subscription.  It’s four parts, so you can pretty much watch it in a few days.  The show follows four pairs of identical twins – one is assigned a vegan diet, and the other gets to eat meat.  Over the course of eight weeks, we follow their progress.  The participants were picked from a larger experiment from Standford University, which had 22 pairs of identical twins in participation.  Researchers chose twins because they were able to control for genetics and limit the other factors.  As the trailer reveals “Everybody knows the average American diet is not very healthy. People don’t realize that what we put in our mouth is more important than anything else. Your dietary pattern can change your biology in a profound way.”

I watched it.  I’m a meat eater.  I pretty much have chicken or beef with every meal, occasionally meatless days, and sometimes some fish.  Watching this makes me question some of my habits.  It makes me curious about what our food practices look like in Canada and has me thinking I probably need more veggies in my diet.

There did seem to be a bit of a push for switching to vegan for the sake of the environment as much as our health.  It was revealed the horrible living conditions for animals, and the way meat is processed and the quality that is lacking.  Would love to know your thoughts.

Do you remember We Are The World?  There is a documentary that is coming to Netflix the end of the month.  It will follow the group of 45 musicians – the biggest names in music at the time, as they gathered together on January 25, 1985  and as the write up shares as they “checked their egos at the door and recorded a song to benefit African famine relief that would alter global pop culture history,” .

What you will get – never before seen footage of the song planning and the writing, interviews with some of the biggest names in music from the event including Lionel Richie, Bruce Springsteen, Smokey Robinson, Kenny Loggins, Dionne Warwick and Huey Lewis – each remembering the night it was recorded.

The Greatest Night in Pop comes to Netflix on Jan. 29.

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