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I’m Sorry But I Do This, K.

By: Carrie Buchanan


I get in trouble by my kids for doing it.  In my defense I had no idea it was considered rude.  I guess because as I grew up in school we learned the importance of punctuation.  Adding a period to a text is RUDE?!  Who knew.  I didn’t.  I was just finishing my sentence not trying to upset the world.  When did this become a thing?

Who started it?  Who decided, “You know what?  I’m offended by that use of punctuation.”  That’s the stuff I think about it.  Where do things become a ‘thing”?

I’m also guilty of responding to my kids texts with a simple “k”.

If they say “can you do this for me”, or “can you pick me up here” or  “Can I hang out with my friend?” – sometimes it’s just easier to reply to the text with “k”.

Take it from me.  Don’t do that.  Don’t do “K” or “KK” or “OK” because they will think you are angry and wonder what they did wrong.

Again, where did this start?  They speak in alphabet letters all the time.   TTYL  BRB  IFYKYK 😉  (smile)

Maybe I just don’t know how the new language works.  Maybe I just have reached an age where I no longer am in on the joke.

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