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Elmo Wants To Know “How’s Everybody Doing?”

By: Carrie Buchanan


In a tweet that has now pretty much gone viral and has the whole world talking – Sesame Street’s Elmo innocently asked the question yesterday – and the comments are unsuspected.

Read more HERE

Get the FULL Twitter (X) thread – here

Thank you for asking Elmo.

How will you answer Elmo’s question today?   for me?  I’d say “Elmo, I’m feeling a little bit tired.  Tired of this winter weather and tired of snow and cold temperatures and little sunshine. (smile)

I miss colour and flowers and warm breezes and sunshine on my face and sitting outside with my morning coffee while listening and watching the birds.   But hanging in there and counting down the days til spring.”

Seasonal Affective disorder is a real thing and a lot of people feel those winter blues – especially now that the holidays are done.

If you need some inspiration and beating the blahs – it’s suggested we exercise, get outside when we can, eat healthier, make time to visit with friends and family when you can, take up a new hobby, talk about it how you are feeling with others, and find a support group or reach out for help if you need.

I’m reading more, and would love to know what books you are reading right now so I can add them to my list.

And comfort food always works – love a batch of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies!

What is something that helps you get through this time of year?

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