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Do You D.I.Y.?

By: Carrie Buchanan


I just finished reading a book by Jillian Michaels which opened up my eyes to a lot of things about health and wellness, and how it is effected by our environment.

Chemicals in the air, plastics in our kitchens – so much has an impact on our health and how we feel.   So many things that we use on a regular basis aren’t always the best for us or our bodies.  But we’ve become so used to them.  I know I have.

I use all the things she mentions in the book.  Makeup for one.  All those pretty sprays that take away the doggy odours.

So I have started to look at other options.  Look is as far as I’ve gotten.  But I came across this today and thought I would share.

DIY cleaners and disinfectants you can use in your home.  I KNOW about this stuff.  I’ve just never put it into practice.

Have YOU?  Do you make your own cleansers in the home?  How do you find it works?




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