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Will I See You There? Shopping For Change – Downtown Sarnia TODAY!

By: Carrie Buchanan


Discover Downtown Sarnia’s Holiday Kickoff! On November 23rd, DT local businesses are treating you to special pricing and entertainment from 4-7 pm. After shopping, savor a delightful dining experience at participating restaurants from 7-10 pm.

Get your “Passport” and collect stamps at participating stores and receive a ballot for a chance to win! Plus, we have three more fantastic raffle baskets, each valued at over $1000. Tickets to enter the raffle are just $10 each or three for $20!

Proceeds support Women’s Interval Home.  I will be there between 2 and 6 this afternoon.  Would love to see you there!

Be sure to check their Facebook page for more info on the event.

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