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The View From Here – What’s On My Heart

By: Carrie Buchanan


I listened to a podcast this morning and wanted to share it with you.  In case, like myself, you might need to feel lifted up, encouraged – take a listen to this Mel Robbins Podcast.  

It’s good.  A message about how to handle the heaviness of the world.  How we can get through it.  How we can stop feeling helpless and hopeless as we read the latest news headlines and see what is happening around the world.

I like the message of shining a light and being a lighthouse for others.  Helping others.  Reaching out and volunteering or giving – whether it’s a donation to a charity or your time to someone who needs it.

Reach out and message someone who has been on your mind.

Smile at a stranger.

We overcome the darkness by shining the light.

I know I appreciated this message today.  Maybe you will too.


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