The View From Here – What A Day
I celebrated my 52 birthday yesterday. GASP. Yep, I said it. I revealed my age.
50 was rough. I haven’t been afraid to share that with you. Turning 50 was harder than I expected. And when you hit a milestone birthday in the middle of a pandemic and lockdown – it hits harder.
But 52 feels like it just might be full of possibilities. I’m excited for 52. Even if I’ve got a full head of grey hair, and the wrinkles on my face and neck are so much more noticeable. Even if this perimenopause stage of life has led to weight gain, mood swings and a general feeling of unease at times. Anxiety. Sadness. All the feelings.
I’m excited to see what the year brings.
How do you celebrate your birthday? Do you like a big celebration around you? Do you prefer to keep it quiet and keep to yourself? How do you celebrate YOU on the one day that should be all about you?
I generally love my birthday. I love the buildup to the day. The excitement in the air.
Yesterday I took a true self care day. And it felt good. No work. No schedule.
I used a gift certificate for a facial at Caryl Baker Visage in Lambton Mall. So relaxing. Feels good to pamper yourself sometimes.
I got myself a fancy coffee and went for a stroll through Canatara Park. And unlike the last time I went for a walk by myself on the trails, I did NOT encounter a coyote. Thankful for that. I did jump a few too many times at the many squirrels who were darting in and out super quick around me and felt silly for it.
Canatara Park is so beautiful right now and peaceful. Yesterday, with the light sprinkling of rain, it was really quiet. I loved it.
My kids surprised me with gifts that all related to something we’ve done together and my husband added in a few special touches.
Messages from friends from all over throughout the day just added to what made the day so special.
I was reminded of just how important it is to take care of yourself and to find time to do something that is just for you. I know that can be super challenging at times but it’s so necessary. Ladies and gentlemen too. It’s so necessary to make time to do something for just you. To make time for the small things that bring you joy.
Email me anytime – [email protected]