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The View From Here – Ladies, Can We Talk About The M Word?

By: Carrie Buchanan


Yep.  I’m talking about Menopause.

Did you know that today is World Menopause Day?  World Menopause Day is held each year on 18 October to raise awareness, break the stigma and share support available for improving health and wellbeing for those experiencing menopause.

I don’t know about you, but as I get closer to reaching that stage in life, I’ve been looking for answers.  An explanation.  A guide.  Help in understanding this transition in life.

I’m pretty sure I’m in the perimenopause stage.  I’ve experienced a number of symptoms – I’ve had hot flashes/ night sweats/ emotions all over the place/ and the most surprising – anxiety.  Especially when I’m driving.  I used to love driving.  Not anymore.

I’m glad there is so much information available now.  At least for us to search out.  By the sounds of, we still have a long way to go in getting help.  So for now we need to talk about it and help each other through it.

There have been days I have not even recognized myself.  I have felt lost.  I’ve had no problems gaining extra weight.   The general feeling of ‘I don’t know what’s happening to me’ is a bit much some days.

Maybe ladies, we need to look at this stage in life differently.   Maybe, instead of being afraid to even discuss it, we need to celebrate.  Did you know menopause parties are becoming a thing?

Turning something negative into a positive thing.  From The Huffington Post –
What is a menopause party?  According to one psychotherapist, there are two types of parties.  There’s a let’s have fun and celebrate and make a bit of light of this” and maybe there’s party foods, cupcakes, fun games and celebration.  There’s another side where people might need to come together for support and information and to share ideas on how to manage it.  Like an educational party I guess.
Bottom line, I think it’s helpful to discuss all of it.  Reach out for help if you’re going through it.  Ask questions.  Maybe you need to be the one to throw the party or hold a group class.
It’s incredibly helpful to know you aren’t alone in it.  Feeling a connection to others experiencing the same thing so we don’t feel so alone in the struggle.
Would you ever consider a menopause party/ celebration?  Do you feel comfortable talking about it?  Have you been through it?  What words of advice can you offer to others about to go through this life transition?
Reach out anytime – email me here  [email protected]
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