What I Can’t Share With You On Facebook
If we still could connect on Facebook I’d share this with you today — I’m 51 years old and very much afraid of bugs. Especially earwigs. And spiders. And bees. True story. And I don’t see that changing anytime soon. I hate creepy crawlers. I don’t want them anywhere near me. The problem is they are everywhere.
Just when I thought we were done with the millions of earwigs inhabiting our backyard, (they love the bird feeder) – bee season seems to be starting. I don’t like bugs. Earwigs make me run and scream. I feel ridiculous every time. I mean, they’re small. But I see the pinchers and automatically think sudden death. I think pain. I think all sorts of unrealistic things. I don’t want to be anywhere near them. I don’t want them near me. What is their purpose in this world other than to create fear and panic? (smile)
Now it’s the bees. I was out for a walk early this morning with my dog and a bee got too close. Personal space means nothing to them I guess. I gave it a swat. But not too aggressively because I don’t want to make it mad. (smile). It returned. All the outdoor space available and this bee wants to be in my space. I walked faster. I swatted a little harder. A little more desperately.
I hate bees more than I hate earwigs. And I know this time of year brings them out in full force. Messing with our heads. Mocking us. They know we’re scared. (smile)
And that’s not the only thing I’m afraid of. I’m afraid of deep water. Can’t stand for my kids to walk to close to the rocks at the river. I panic inside. For fear of what COULD happen. I’m afraid of heights. I’m afraid of those metal grates in the roadways and sideways, convinced that if I step on one, I could fall to the middle of the earth never to be seen again.
My mind can go in all directions.
So let me ask you this – what are YOU afraid of???? Is it as ridiculous and absurd as my fears are?
TEXT ME – 519-464-1999 for your chance to win a $50 McDonalds Gift Card.
And speaking of FOOD! Have you SEEN what’s new at the CNE in Toronto this year?????????????????? I’m intrigued by the Churros s’mores. The four-pound taco looks amazing but impossible to attempt. The butter chicken overload sounds amazing too, but it’s a huge NOPE for me on the frog legs, cheesburger ice cream, street corn lemonade and quarter pound cheese stuffed Doritos. A whole mound of deep fried cheese? No thank you. So, would you or wouldn’t you try any of those new foods? Inquiring minds want to know.