The Haunted Tour
The View From Here – The Haunted Tour
A very big thank you to the North Lambton Secondary School drama department for a spooky fun time on Friday night. My kids and I joined the haunted tour. “a haunting stroll through the historic streets of Forest” with “chilling and spooky stories, and tales of the unknown!”.
I spent my teenage years in Forest. I’m a NLSS alumni – go Lions. But there is a lot I did not know about the town of Forest and just how many haunts there really are.
The Kineto theatre? Haunted. A few houses have some spooky tales. Mysterious footsteps. Light bulbs being taken out of sockets and laid on the floor. There was a story of great tragedy. A murder! And so much more. I especially loved one of the final stops, when the owner of the home came out dressed up in costume and handed out candy.
Who knew Forest had such history! I will never look at my old stomping grounds the same. So many spooky tales. So many haunted houses.
It was dark, and it was raining – but from what I hear – over 80 people turned out to hear the haunted tales.
It was interesting. It was fun. And it was so well done, so a very big thank you to the NLSS Drama department for gathering the stories and putting the event together. Daniel Dumais gathered the stories and wrote the script. And shared the stories by a lantern lit up with sparkling lights in the darkness, adding to the feeling of the night.
And if you’re interested – a Forest woman by the name of Mona Huctwith wrote a book about the town – “Forest – It’s Beginnings And More”. The book is filled with information about Forest, Ontario starting with the founding in the mid 1850’s. The book includes details about homes and businesses that were in the area through the years, military service, fire and police departments, and well-known citizens.
It was a great way to start the Halloween weekend and learn some interesting things about the town. The old lumber yard, old train stops and some of the early families to call it home.
I hope there is another Haunted Tour next year with more spooky stories.