dress down
The View From Here – Do You Feel Any Different?
Oh hey. Just checking in to see how you are doing.
I hope you are smiling today! It’s Friday. And a “Feel Good Friday” at that. I chose to dress down today. More down than most. (smile). To get those “feel good vibes” going.
I think if there is one thing to come out of this whole pandemic life that I love, it’s the fact we can dress down at work and wear pretty much whatever we want. I mean, maybe I can’t wear pj’s to the office. But I sure did a few times when I was still working from home. The dress code has gone out the window for now and I like it. I mean, the idea of wearing proper work clothes creates a bit of fear in me right now to tell you the truth. I’m not sure anything I used to wear two years ago still even fit. I’m not emotionally prepared to try. (smile).
I’m not saying I don’t care how I dress. There have been days when I feel better if I dress up a bit, but for the most part, our office attire is much more casual than it ever was before. Today is an exceptionally grubby day. Old jeans, a t-shirt, one of my favourite hoodies, no makeup and my hair in a messy bun.
That would have been frowned upon before the pandemic. Today I take advantage of it.
The office is still quiet. The majority of co-workers still working from home. It makes me wonder if I will ever adjust to life before. I kinda like being alone in my space. Little distraction. Quiet. Unless I’m cranking up the Duran Duran in my headphones a little louder than usual. (smile)
Has the atmosphere in your workplace changed at all?
I’ve adjusted to living life a little quieter. I’m a shy girl at heart and these last months I’ve reverted back to shy girl ways more and more. I avoid people and busy places. I feel awkward if I run into someone I haven’t seen in a while.
Do YOU feel any different? Even as we see the end in sight, and life is almost back to “normal”. Do you feel that this last year has changed you? How are you different?
I feel like I’ve lost a lot of my confidence. I don’t know if it’s the negativity online, but I feel like I’ve been way more hesitant to share thoughts and feelings and opinions.
I don’t like that. I don’t like avoiding people and situations. I fought a lot of years to get over that.
I’ve reduced my social circle. Either because there was too much negativity being shared, or just wanted to hide myself from the world a bit more. I’m trying to find my way back to where I was in that respect before the pandemic began. But it’s hard.
I’ve been very careful to keep my social media pages positive and encouraging. Trying hard to avoid any negative posts/ pages/ stories.
There’s been a lot of emotions these last few months. Lots of reflecting. I’ve talked to many people who are all kinda feeling the same way and we’re all trying to find our way back to how we used to be. In some ways at least. There are some things I don’t want to go back to. I think I’ve learned what matters and what my priorities are. I know who I can lean on, talk to and trust.
I’ve learned to spend less time scrolling and more time doing things I love. Finding things to do with my kids instead of just staring at a screen. Trying to make the most out of every moment and not take a day for granted.
There’s a line in the movie The Crow that I really love “It can’t rain all the time”. A reminder that even in the darkest of times light will eventually find its way through. And we’ll get through it and be okay in the end. One of my favourite movies.
So I hope you are smiling today. I hope you are doing okay and if you’re not, remember that line. “It can’t rain all the time.”
I never thought this would have such a big impact on me, but it has. I don’t think any of us have got through this pandemic unchanged. But I encourage you to keep smiling and keep fighting for yourself to be your best, healthiest, happiest self. Keep doing things that help you feel good. Like we talk about with today’s Feel Good Friday – practice self-care. Do things for yourself that you enjoy. Don’t forget about the things that make you happy and feel good. I started reading again before going to bed. I just started reading Michelle Obama’s book “Becoming”. One of my latest treasures to find when “thrifting” with my girls. Excited to read her story. She’s inspiring for sure. And funny.
So maybe you’ve changed. And maybe we don’t go back to the person we were before the pandemic. Maybe the person we’re becoming is better. It’s what I keep telling myself.
Keep on keepin’ on.
Reach out anytime.
Instagram – afternoonswithcarrie