(c) Can Stock Photo / klauskaulitzki
Do You Have A Halloween Hangover?
I love Halloween. The costumes. The scares. The enormous bowls of candy that I always seem to have more than enough of. We like to buy “one more box” in case we run out.
Last night we waited and waited but only had a handful of trick or treaters at our door. Maybe 30. Maybe. No large groups of kids either. They trickled in. One or two at a time.
I loved the big smiles as the little ones called out “trick or treat!’ and “Happy Halloween!”. Cute costumes. I think I saw Baby Shark. Peek-a-choo? A few robots. A princess. A dinosaur. A policeman. Maybe the rain put a damper on things like it did the candle in our little pumpkin.
Did you have many trick or treaters at your door? Did you see any really great costumes?
Do you have boxes of mini chocolate bars left at your house? Tempting you. Taunting you. (smile) I started out strong but ended up giving in and eating handfuls of those “fun” sized treats. Waking up with regret this morning. Served with a hot cup of coffee.
Anybody else relate to this latest video from the Holderness Family? “Halloween Hangover”. Yup.