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The View From Here – I’ve Got An Idea
My heart has been so heavy lately. I’ve been feeling so discouraged and defeated. Frustrated. Angry. Sad. All the emotions. On repeat.
It’s been a challenging year and a half and I had hoped by this point we would be at the finish line and we would be coming together and celebrating the fact that we made it.
Instead, I feel more alone and more divided than ever and I hate it. Spend any time online and on social media and you get stirred up all over again.
So I have an idea and I’m hoping we can take this as a challenge together and turn things around.
I want to start a kindness revolution.
Yep. We got a lot of “STUFF” happening in the world and around us. We’re still getting through a pandemic. We’re still dealing with safety protocols. Masks. Vaccinations. Vaccination passports. And everybody has an opinion on how it should be and what should or shouldn’t happen. And that’s all good. Everyone can and should have their own feelings and thoughts and opinions.
What I want to remember is who we are as a community. That same community that puts signs and hearts in windows at the beginning of this pandemic. That same community that rallied together to make sure everyone was taken care of. Whether it’s dropping off food or taking care of another need.
This community has heart. And that heart has done amazing things in the past. This community has stood up and stood together through so much. When there is a need, this community stands up and takes care of each other.
Maybe we just need to remember that.
Kindness. Compassion. Empathy. That’s what makes this community great. That’s what makes this community strong.
So I want to start a kindness revolution.
I want to get back to the positive things. Doing things for others. Being thankful for someone who did something good for you or someone you know.
I can get really down after reading comments and stories online, but I can tell you this – when I pass someone on the street when out walking, and they smile and say hello – I feel good! I smile back and my day gets better.
It’s as easy as a smile from a stranger.
Random emails or texts from listeners that say hi, or thank you. Those are the BEST.
Encouragement from a friend that can show up out of the blue on one of my worst days. Can change my whole day and outlook.
We live in this amazing community that does things like that ALL the time and I want us to start sharing them.
I want to remember all that’s good right now and focus on that.
Kindness comes in all forms. Letting someone ahead of you in line at the grocery store. Paying for someone’s coffee in the drive thru line. Holding open a door. Cutting the neighbours grass. Dropping off a sweet treat for a friend or neighbour who is going through a hard time. Smiling at a stranger. Donating to a cause that matters to you. Calling a friend. Sending a message to someone just to let them know you’re thinking of them.
So many ways.
Let’s flood social media with kindness.
Share something you are doing or share something that has happened to you on social media and tag us in it.
Let’s remember just how amazing this community is when we stand together and with each other and take care of each other.
I believe we can do it.
Keep the conversation going. Email me anytime.