The View From Here – Sigh
Are there any words right now to bring any sort of comfort or promise of hope? Do share them. Because I think I need them.
I’m feeling mighty discouraged right now. Despite every attempt this morning to “turn that frown upside down.”
I worked out. At home, in my living room, trying a brand new program that I’m starting in January. That got me feeling pretty good. After the extra snacks this weekend, and a bit of emotional eating (smile). I needed to do something.
I watched “my” birds outside my back window. I put on my old Duran Duran t-shirt. I threw on my favourite hoodie with the reminder to “rise up”. I made myself a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream. I went to work in my home office, scheduling Christmas music and listening to Christmas music.
I was trying to not think about the announcement we knew was coming.
Then I sat and listened as Premier Ford confirmed the news. Another lockdown. Province wide this time. Beginning Boxing Day – December 26th, at 12:01 a.m.
It’s hard. I get it. I feel it. I’m sad, anxious, frustrated too. It’s hard. What’s harder is to see so much division and anger online. People are lashing out at each other. It seems you can’t share how you feel right now without risk of being attacked or shamed. Fake pandemic. Government control.
What happened to us? When this first hit us in March, we banded together as a community. We stood together. We encouraged each other. That’s what we need to do now. Despite how tired and “over it” we are.
The Christmas season is a time for giving. How about giving some patience? Understanding? Love? Compassion? Kindness? All that judgement and anger that we see online each and every day doesn’t help anybody get through this.
- It doesn’t help my husband keep his job.
- It doesn’t help anybody pay their bills.
- It won’t keep businesses open.
- It doesn’t help anybody who is already struggling feel any better.
- And it sure won’t make this virus go away any quicker.
But what does help is kindness. Compassion and understanding. Being there to help each other get through this. Like it or not. This is where we are. And will continue to be here until we stand together and remember that we are stronger together.
No we aren’t meant to live life apart and isolated and social distanced. I hate not seeing my family. I miss my dad and second mom. I miss my brother and his family. I miss friends and get togethers. But it’s TEMPORARY. Like the stretchy pants I’ve gotten used to wearing. (smile)
Instead of being so mad about how things are going – what if you found a way to help someone through it? Support your friends in business. Support those small businesses who once again have to adapt to changing circumstances, hoping they don’t have to close their doors for good.
Reach out to those who are alone. Be the good in the darkness. We are still in it together. We might experience it differently, and have different thoughts and feelings about it – but ultimately, this is something we are going through together. I promise to do my part. I got your back. (smile)
Come on Sarnia. Let’s show the rest of the world what we’re made of.