The View From Here – I’m Not Sure What’s Worse
I’m not sure what’s worse. The feeling you get after eating way too much candy, or the fact that the calendar flipped and now it’s “Mariah Carey Season” and people are already playing holiday music and putting up trees, or that I just really messed up my bangs.
I mean, I REALLY messed them up. I cut them a few weeks ago. Very spontaneously. After I coloured up the grey. With not-so-sharp scissors. This morning I tried to “fix” them. Which means I will be finding a way to hide them until I can have them fixed. By a professional. Have you ever messed up your hair? Thankfully I am still working from home and nobody has to see me. That’s the beauty of radio. (smile)
I’m wondering if there is a 7-year bad luck rule with breaking your hair like breaking a mirror? (smile). You know, “break a mirror, seven years bad luck.” Do you think the same premise applies to hair? Because seriously, I BROKE my bangs. (smile)
Thankfully there’s a full bucket of Halloween candy left for me to drown my sorrows. Not a lot of kids at our house this year for trick-or-treating. We had 7 in two hours. Then I stopped waiting. Turned out the lights and ate all the candy. Not all. But more than I needed.
We toured Sarnia’ first Haunted Halloween tour on Friday night. That was a lot of fun. Kinda. I mean, it was great to see all the houses. Over 80? I believe. I loved the feeling of community coming together. Car after car driving by the same houses, all seeing the sites together. A feeling of togetherness, even in a pandemic that has us feeling far apart. Even my 14-year-old said she loved the feeling of doing something with others.
A few houses went above and beyond with the scares. I didn’t see Michael Myers. Thank the good Lord above. (smile) #sorrynotsorry
My heart couldn’t handle it. Everything was under suspicion. Every shadow had me jumpy. A few places had some scares. People coming out from the decorations. Someone standing still on their porch. Mask. Knife. “NO thank you.” Is what I kept saying out loud to my kids in the car as we kept driving.
Excited to see a Christmas lights tour has begun. Click to join and add your house to list. One of my favourite memories of Christmas when I was a kid was driving around to look at the lights. I still do it with my kids.
We need to have something positive to look forward to.
Now that we’re into November – and the countdown to Christmas has begun – have you started decorating yet? Mariah Carey declared “it’s time!” in a video she posted online yesterday. She’s already leading in audio streams. With the snow yesterday, both my girls at home were wanting to start decorating and listen to holiday music. I love Christmas – but I’m going to wait a little bit longer.