You Gotta Watch This!

By: Carrie Buchanan


If I can recommend you watch anything today – it’s this.

The Biggest Little Farm.

It’s positive.  It’s happy.

It’s awesome.

It follows the story of a couple and their dog. Todd. They rescue him.  In a way, he rescues them.

Because, you see, the dog in a way, is at fault, for the reason they decide to leave their little apartment in the city of Los Angeles and decide to go after their dream of building a farm.

Growing everything themselves.  Vegetables, fruits, and raising animals.  All things living together, growing together, in perfect harmony.

They find a farm that has been abandoned.  Neglected.  Overrun. The soil dead.

A big job.

But with the help of investors and those willing to come and learn how to farm the “old fashioned way” they make it work.

Not without struggle.  Not without challenges.

It’s amazing to me to see just how incredibly complex nature is.  To see just how everything really does need each other to exist.  Everything has a purpose and reason for being.  From the ground cover, to the plants and trees, to the insects, the coyotes, and rodents.

Everything needs each other to exist and flourish.

I found myself getting so caught up in the struggles.  Routing for this couple as they brought a dying farm back to life.

You get attached to the animals.  You get to know some of them by name.  Like Emma – the pig and her fourteen babies.  Greasy – the rooster.  Who just needs a safe place to live.  Just happens to be with the pig.

You cheer them on as they fight the elements. As the farm increases, so do the problems.  The pests, the wildlife.

But they learn how each play an important role in the success of the farm.  Every animal, every insect, has an important role to play.  Each needed.

Simply amazing and so worth watching.  A feel good movie for sure that might even leave you in tears at times.  It did me.

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