What’s Your Vision For 2020?

By: Carrie Buchanan


Friday night I got to participate in a Vision Board workshop and it was so much fun!

Before the event, we were asked to think about what dreams/goals/ accomplishments we wanted for ourselves in the year ahead. It was tough and most of us didn’t think we had anything in mind.

Then, as we got started, we browsed piles and piles of old magazines, and quotes and pictures – and found what we felt “spoke to us”.  What were we drawn to?  What images?  What words/ phrases/ quotes?

About 20 women.  Thinking “I don’t have any goals or dreams.  I don’t know how to DO this. I don’t know what I should put on my board”.

It didn’t take long for each vision board to take shape.

It’s amazing how we all have these dreams tucked away, that we aren’t always aware we have, until you find a picture or image that resonates with you.

A cabin in the woods.

An exotic vacation.

More time with family.

No more debt.







Weight loss.

Healthy eating.

For me, my board had nothing to do with vacations or even work related success.

It was about me.  How I see myself. How I talk to myself.  What I THINK about myself.

It’s a reminder of who I am and what I CAN be.  More real.  More authentic. Kinder to myself. Organized.

Start AND finish projects.  A reminder time is short, and do things out of your comfort zone.  A reminder of letting go of negative and embracing the fact I am one of a kind. RARE.

I added two women who inspire me to be my authentic self.  Oprah Winfrey – who I would love to just sit and talk with.  I love how she connects to people.  She is powerful in such a positive way. Demi Lovato – who has been through some big challenges.  Addiction.  Issues with body image and self esteem.  But she is a fighter.  She is strong and she isn’t afraid to admit she is flawed.  So much admiration.

Have you ever done a vision board?  What dreams/ goals are you afraid to go after?  What dreams did you stop dreaming?  What would you add to YOUR board?

It’s time to allow yourself the freedom of dreaming.


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