No Cap, I’m Struggling To Understand My Teens
No cap means no lie. I guess.
It’s part of the “teen speak” I’ve been introduced to this week. It’s hard to keep up.
It seems every week my kids are trying to teach me the language. At least, the language they WANT me to know. Parents, how well do you feel you are able to keep up with this language that seems to constantly be updated?
Deuces was introduced to me by my thirteen year old this week. Which, I guess, means goodbye?
They laugh when I try to use their language on them.
“Spill the tea” refers to gossip.
Salty – means bitter.
Sic – something that is cool. It’s a positive word.
Awks – is awkward.
Skurt – go away. It’s become one of my favourite words. I like to use it when driving a lot. When cars tailgate me and then finally pass. Skurt skurt. It makes my kids laugh when I try to be cool and come across as anything but. (smile)
TBH – to be honest
BRB – be right back
RN – right now.
I try to keep up when they text me these acronyms. I’ve googled more than one TBH. (smile) See what I did there?
And my kids don’t tend to use punctuation in their texts which can lead to some confusing conversations at times. I understand more by their use of emoji’s sometimes than I do with the actual words. I know. Awks. (smile)