Do You Plan?

By: Carrie Buchanan


I’ve reached that point in my life where I can no longer just remember things.  I forget more than I remember when it comes to those to do lists.  If I don’t make a grocery list before I hit the grocery store, I will be back multiple times through the week. Sometimes multiple times in the same day.  Good grief.

I have never been a planner.  I’m horrible at planning.  Or at least I was.

A few years ago a friend introduced me to the Happy Planner. Are you familiar with it?  It’s a planner.  But with stickers, and markers and washi tape.

I don’t need any more stickers or craft supplies in my life.  Ask my husband or kids who have to deal with my obsession.

But let me share just how much fun it is to use a planner – with stickers! And markers and pencil crayons!  To colour in blocks of the day/ week/ month.

Motivational quotes mixed in with the daily to-do list.

Since the beginning of the year, I have been really good at using my Happy Planner.  I have one for everyday stuff. I have a section for my fitness stuff – workouts, meal plan etc.  AND I’ve added a budget planner in an attempt to control spending and actually ATTEMPT to budget.   Which is the hardest challenge to date.  If you’ve ever said “I wonder where all our money goes” or “I’m pretty sure I don’t spend THAT much at x,y,z” you should try it.  It’s eye opening for sure.

Life since I started using my planner is better.   Now I plan things.  Simple things, which maybe others never forget.

I plan my meals for the week ahead.

I plan my week – phone calls to make, appointments, bills to pay, workouts, and even – chuckle – plan to show up at work ON TIME.

I don’t know why it happens or when exactly it happens – but I’ve hit the point in life where I can no longer think or expect that I will “just remember it”.

I have to write EVERYTHING down or it just won’t happen.

But I love that you can make it your own.  I add pictures, quotes, and sometimes I even get creative.

I’ve never been a fan of planners. I’m not an organized individual.  I’ve been a fly by the seat of my pants and hope everything works.

So far, it’s been helpful.  So far I’m enjoying it and not getting frustrated.

But it’s only January 23rd.  The year is still young. (smile)

And yes, I do make a PLAN to use my planner!  No joke.



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