That Was A First
My sixteen year old daughter got behind the wheel of our car for this first time yesterday. My 48 year old self is still in shock and disbelief, but full of pride.
It’s funny, as parents, we seem to think we will never be ready for these milestones that creep up, but when they happen, we realize we are more prepared than we realize or give ourselves credit for.
I don’t know how it happens. I’m not sure how time flies by so quickly. But it does.
It doesn’t seem that long ago that she was still little and needed me to do things for her.
Now she is grinning because she just accomplished something she never thought she could do. Drive a car.
My daughter is a lot like me. She didn’t want to get her license and convinced herself she didn’t need to learn how to drive a car.
I was 18 when I got my license. I was so scared. So I know the fear and I also know and realize how much it can hold you back from the very thing you might really love.
So we got in the car yesterday, and she drove. Step by step. Getting comfortable in the seat. Adjusting mirrors. Phone AWAY and out of reach. Seatbelt. Check. Check. Check.
It was a moment I never thought I would be prepared for. Sitting in the passenger side of the car, with my daughter at the wheel. It’s so hard to let our kids go. To let our kids grow their wings and fly. Without us. Little by little. They get more freedom.
16 years gone in the blink of an eye it seems. And we think as parents we live for those first moments – the first steps, first words. But those first moments never stop. So many firsts. First day of school. First day of high school. First boyfriend. First job. First time driving a car.
We think as parents we won’t be ready for all these firsts, but so far, every first has been amazing for us as parents and I am so excited about all the firsts still to come.
I just wish sometimes we could slow it down, just a little. I wish there was a pause button. To really let these moments linger.
Cheers to all the parents, and all those firsts.
We got this.