I Remember The Onions
My grandmother used to put onions on our chest, in a dish towel, when we were sick.
Do you think there is anything to those “old wives tales” when it comes to taking care of our bodies?
In the last few weeks, pretty much everyone in our house has been hit with some sort of bug.
Coughing, sneezing, sniffling, trying to breath out of more than one nostril. It’s cough and flu season and it’s frustrating.
Checking the store today, it was overwhelming to see the selection of cold products all promising something different. Hundreds of products.
But what is the best way to treat a cold? We know there is no quick fix.
But is there anything to those home remedies? Click HERE to learn what works and what you should avoid.
There is something to be said about chicken soup. And salt water. Vitamin C.
Oh, and those onions? I have to think as stinky and odd as it is, I think there is something about the simplicity of going old school.
And to be honest, it’s a whole lot easier than trying to do the onions, that figure out which product out of the hundreds is the right one.
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