Well Done Kids!
Lambton Kent Elementary School Athletic Association held their annual Track & Field event today at the old St. Pat’s track. I feel so lucky that I got to sneak out of work for a few hours to support my daughter and her friends again.
My daughter is the athlete in the family, and she didn’t get that from me. (smile) Nope. My brown eyes, maybe. But not a love of sports. She loves to run and has been involved in track for years now. She was so excited to get her favourite number on her jersey and be part of the school team.
It’s awesome to see so many kids excel at something they so obviously love. There are many athletic super stars in this community that’s for sure.
To all the kids who participated today – win or lose – you should feel so proud of yourselves for being there. For showing up. For signing up for something you love and going after it.
Well done!