Moms Everywhere Say “Thank You Meghan”
Any woman who has given birth knows the reality of it. It’s hard work. And any woman who has given birth probably never had to put on a big smile, in heels and designer dress and parade herself in front of hundreds of reporters immediately after. I’m certainly thankful for that.
I can tell you, after three babies, giving birth doesn’t get much easier. It takes it’s toll on your body and your emotions. Having babies is hard work. And when it’s done and over, and you are holding that beautiful bundle in your arms, you might forget about the enormous pain that you just went through. You will be exhausted in so many ways. Your emotions will be all over the place. You will want to stare at your new baby forever and want to sleep for days. And if it’s your first baby, there will be fear of the unknown. How can we possibly know HOW to do this? You might be afraid of what could go wrong. You will have so many questions and concerns. But so much love for this new little person.
It’s one of the most amazing things – just like Prince Harry said. I consider myself so very lucky to have had three beautiful, healthy kids. And very lucky I didn’t have to put myself on display right after. Just standing is a challenge after giving birth let alone getting all done up for the media. New moms need that time to just lay still. To rest. To be in the moment. I can’t imagine having to rush to shower, and get my hair and make up done for the press. For the “photo op” required. No thank you.
That’s why so many moms are saying “thank you” to Meghan Markle – because she didn’t do what other royal women before her have done. She didn’t conform, and stand on the steps and smile for the cameras – all done up. Instead. She remained at home. With her new baby. Resting. Sleeping. Recovering. Taking care of herself the way every women should do after having a baby.
This article “Thank You, Meghan Markle, For Not Doing A Same-Day Royal Baby Photo Op – Sincerely, moms everywhere” is a great read. Meghan gave birth to a baby boy on May 6. 7lbs 3oz. Prince Harry surprised the reporters by coming out to share the news. Gushing about how amazing the experience was. Gushing about the baby. And gushing about just how incredibly proud of his wife he was. He even thanked the horses that were behind him. He was clearly excited and happy. So much to love about what he said and just how sincerely happy he looked. A new dad. So proud of his family. What stood out for so many, mothers especially, was what was missing from the interview. Meghan herself.
She wasn’t by his side. In four-inch heels and a designer outfit, holding her just born baby. We assume she’s at home. In bed.
And many moms are taking that in appreciation. Because we don’t look like glamour queens just hours after giving birth. We don’t feel like socializing and smiling for strangers. We just want to be with our baby, our husband and just soak it all in.
So Meghan is again, breaking royal tradition. No posing for pics with the new baby outside the hospital hours after giving birth. Just like Kate did and Princess Diana before her. Looking fabulous. Like giving birth is no big deal. And you aren’t really crying on the inside wishing you were just left alone with your new family.
Because for us in the real world, those seemingly perfect pictures can be hard on new moms who don’t feel so glamourous after giving birth.
Let’s see the hair messy, the bags under the eyes. The tears. The maternity clothes that you’ll still have to wear because you don’t get your pre-baby body back in an instant.
Thank you for being real, Meghan. The world appreciates you.