Elmo Teaches GoT Characters R-E-S-P-E-C-T
This is incredible. Elmo is ready to teach a few lessons on Game of Thrones.
If you’ve watched Game of Thrones, you know that it’s fair to say Cersei and Tyrion Lannister don’t really like each other. They are like so many other siblings, they fight and say mean things. Oh, but they try to kill each other. I take that back. I guess you could say they need to work on their relationship. Just a wee bit.
Sesame Street to the rescue. For reasons we don’t really understand, HBO has teamed up with Sesame Street and has given Elmo the enormous task of mending the broken relationship between Cersei and Tyrion.
In the clip, we see Elmo teaching the two to respect one another. Uh oh Elmo. Do you have any idea what happens to so many characters on Game of Thrones? Nobody dares to disrespect Cersei. People might be a bit afraid of her.
It isn’t the first time “Sesame Street” has looked to “GoT” for inspiration: in 2015, the puppets played musical chairs to determine who would rule “Jesteros” in a parody called “Game of Chairs.”