What Is YOUR Vision For 2019?

By: Carrie Buchanan


Have you ever created a Vision Board?

Last year I got the chance to join a group of ladies to create our first Vision Boards and it was incredible.  I think most of us were surprised at just how emotional it was.  When you take the time to put down on paper words, phrases, pictures, ideas – of things that both inspire you and resonate with you it’s incredible what happens. You realize that you DO have dreams. You DO have goals.  You DO have things you want for yourself outside of the day to day routine. You might tell yourself you don’t, but trust me – as soon as you sit down it happens.

This is what I created – a reminder of how I should see myself and what I want to do. Maybe not right away, but someday.

Vision Boards WORK and the reason is simple. Your vision board brings your goals and aspirations to life.

It’s basically this collage of items meant to kick start your imagination and help you visualize your goals.

Vision boards make you think about what it is you really want. It forces you to make the time to sit and REALLY think about what it is you want from life.

They are a daily visual reminder of your dreams and goals. When you see that in front of you every day you are more likely to stay on track and see those dreams come true.

And they are FUN! It doesn’t have to be organized or pretty. It just has to inspire you.

Your vision board is yours alone. There are no wrong ways of doing it. No rules. You can’t mess it up. It’s YOUR vision.  Throw on anything that is inspiring you or motivating you. Quotes. Pictures. Words.  Use it to show you want you want in all areas of your life. Spiritual, health, financial, career or relationships.

And all you need is some sort of board – cork board, poster board – I used a canvas for painting.

Craft supplies – scissors, some tape, or strong glue.

Markers or stickers.

Magazines to cut your pictures from and get words or quotes that you can use.

And you can change it up as the year goes or create a new board when life changes.

It is an amazing feeling and once you do one you will want to do it again and again!


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