Feel Good Friday -Treat Yourself
Every Friday the Fox teams up with the Canadian Mental Health Association Lambton Kent for Feel Good Friday. Sharing things you can do to take care of yourself, focus on your mental health and help you feel GOOD!
Today it’s all about treating yourself.
I think we can feel guilty about this sometimes, but today – you need to allow it.
Do you ever start your day by treating yourself? Try setting aside some time every morning and plan something that is really exciting and that you will look forward to!
By starting your day this way, it can be a boost of positive energy for a great day.
Try making yourself your favourite breakfast, blast your favourite playlist as you get dressed, or get your favourite drink at your favourite coffee shop.
It doesn’t matter what you do, or how you use the time, setting aside that space for you to check in with yourself in the morning is important.
Let us know what YOU do to start your day and how you will treat yourself.
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