I’ve Said Goodbye To Facebook – At Least For Today

By: Carrie Buchanan


It’s not you. It’s me.

It’s what I said as I deactivated my Facebook account today.

I need space. I need to know who I am without it.  I need to remember what life is like without worrying about likes and comments and shares and numbers. I need to live life without the thought of “This will make a great post!”

Anybody else ready for a social media break?

Because I am.  And I’m sure it’s going to be hard.  And I’m sure it’s going to make me realize just how “addicted” I may be to it.

Checking likes and comments on my latest post.  Hoping for more likes.  Feeling discouraged by few likes and comments.

Are we too reliant on social media?  I look at my kids on their phones and worry about them.  They seem to rely on social media as much as oxygen to breath.

With the politics, and the negative comments, and the accusations and insults – it’s becoming too much. It can be draining. Exhausting.

So I am going to do my best to walk away.  For today.

I’m a bit nervous already and it’s only been a few hours.  I’ve wanted to check my feed more times than I can count.

I want to see if my presence is missed.  I want to see if there is no social media, if maybe I reach out more, in a REAL WORLD way.

So this is my test.

I’m wondering if I will feel MORE lonely without it. Or if not seeing everyone and their busy lives will make it seem LESS lonely.

It’s a bit of an experiment so I will have to keep you updated.








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